Let’s try this food blog thing again….
This blog includes another edition of the Wannabe Foodie
going to school, the best *&%$ pork bbq I’ve ever had, “please pass the pig
brain,” and competition bbq’s dirty little secret.
BBQ School. Rumor has it
that I’ve been known to eat bbq and cook it, sometimes prolifically. The same rumor says that I have been known to
harshly judge bad bbq.
Let that sink in. I
know. That rumor shocked me as well.
Recently the Red and I had a big wedding anniversary. She got jewelry and I got, wait for it,
another cooking school. Last time it was
a week at the CIA in California. This
time is was bbq school at Myron Mixon’s house in Unadilla, Georgia.
Needless to say, I was a happy man.
Who’s Myron Mixon, you say?
He’s is the winningest man in competitive bbq. He’s been on various bbq tv shows and is one
of the hosts of BBQ Pitmasters. Here’s a
picture with him.
If you want to get better at bbq, what better way than going
to the house of the self-proclaimed king of bbq for a bbq school?! For those of you that watch his shows, he is
just as loud and boisterous in person as he is on tv. However, he and his family were also warm and
inviting hosts, which is what you would expect at someone’s house in southern
So we show up on Friday night for dinner to get an overview
of the weekend. Thankfully, there was a
keg of beer on ice. Did I mention that I
was in southern Georgia in June?! For a boy who
lives in the west, the heat, humidity, and bugs were almost unbearable. Good lord.
But, we soldiered on, bug bites and all. Here’s an overview of the weekend’s
First thing Saturday morning, the Mixon clan shows how to
prep a hog for the bbq. And for the
record, we’re not talking about some suckling pig. This was a 160 lb (dressed) hog. Check it out.
It wasn’t possible
for all of us to prepare a hog (they’re not cheap), so we watched them prepare
the hog. Naturally, I snagged a seat up
close to the front. If you’re squeamish
at all, don’t watch someone prep a hog for the smoker. There’s the sound of the spine cracking as
it’s opened up, and, oh yeah…. Do you
know what a rib saw is for? Not for the
vegetarians in the crowd.

So the hog was rubbed and injected. And I don’t mean a little injection. I can’t tell you what’s in the injection or
else team Mixon will come after me, but let’s just say it’s fruit juice based
and gallons go into Hogzilla. He was
wrapped up in aluminum foil and slipped into a big ‘ol smoker for … wait for
it… 17 hours.
Here he is going into the smoker.
Onto the rest of the day and Sunday….
Mixon and crew demonstrated how they prepare baby back ribs,
spare ribs, pork shoulder, brisket, and chicken. Mr. Mixon would demonstrate each protein, and
then we would break into groups and prep that same protein. The school prepared approximately 1500 pounds
of proteins that weekend. 1500 pounds!
Some notes:
Ribs. Nothing tricky
about his ribs, other than they are rubbed and sit overnight. We ate the ones that the students made and,
frankly, they were salty. Quite salty, actually. I tried one of the ones he made and it was
also a bit salty, but more on that later.
Brisket. Let me say that
it’s weird getting brisket lessons from a Georgia boy. I am certain that 10-15 years ago, you never
saw brisket in Georgia. Only pork, and
maybe a little beef. He prepared it odd
in my opinion, but he’s won a lot of contests, so what the hell do I
know?! He showed us his technique for
making burnt ends off the point, which I will use.
Chicken. Very
interesting to see how the competition guys do it, particularly to make perfect
looking chicken with bite-through skin.
Totally using some of those techniques.

The Star of the Show. Not
even close. The whole hog. Check it out when he came out of the smoker:
It was cooked skin side down, so all of the fat, rub, and
injection rendered down and stayed in the cavity and meat. Michael Mixon (Myron’s son) got some heavy duty
gloves on and proceeded to pull the entire hog by hand and hand out portions to
I held my bowl out like a starving man receiving alms for
the poor. I don’t know how many helpings
I had, but it was a lot. I tried every
piece of the pig, including some interesting ones like the belly, jowls (damn
those are like butter), and the tongue (tastes like pork).
And then Michael said “Anyone want to try the brain?” My friend D and I looked at each other,
shrugged our shoulders, and decided we should probably check that off the
list. So, Michael cracked open the head
and gave us portions of the brain. It
was creamy and had a strangely seafood flavor, almost like uni for you sushi

Notwithstanding my foray into pig nasty bits, that whole hog
was by far the best piece of pork bbq I’ve ever had, and it’s not even
close. The unctuous nature of the meat
coming out of the cavity, offset by the fruit juice, with a backdrop of
smoky. Damn. That’s all I can really say. Damn.
Notice that I said best piece of pork bbq, because I’m not
sure it’s better than Aaron Franklin’s brisket.
But, it might be. The fact that I
even put it in the same sentence as that brisket should tell you all you need
to know.
Now I just need a smoker big enough to let me cook a whole
hog. Did I mention I wrote down his
injection recipe?
Competitive BBQ’s dirty little secret.
Team Mixon can’t get mad at me for sharing this, since it’s
listed as one of the ingredients in his rub.
But, MSG is very prevalent in competitive bbq. Someone in the know told me that they’ve seen
competitors sprinkle it on bbq before they close the box.
MSG. That’s why the
ribs tasted salty to my palate. You know
MSG when you taste it. I know why they
do it. They’re competing for a lot of
money and they usually have one bite to impress the judges. Better make it the best damn bite they’ve
Still, not my thing.
MSG won’t be added to my bbq any time soon.
Happy cooking.
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