Thursday, March 6, 2025

The GOAT of Irish Pubs

Where have I been the last eight years?  Well, I changed jobs.  As it turns out, when I became happier, the snarkiness that came out in my blog seemed to go away.  That and having two teenagers takes a lot of time!

But, not to fear.  I and my best friend sarcasm are back. 

What’s changed?  I’ll still do restaurant reviews and write about food I’m cooking and places I've traveled. But, I’ve got a new twist.  For those of you that don’t know me, I have a love affair bordering on an obsession with Irish pubs and I'm going to share some with you.  

Why Irish pubs? Well, it started with my first trip to Ireland.  I had been in many many pubs before then (I know you’re shocked), but nothing prepared me for some of the pubs in Ireland.  They’re often quiet, but often not.  When they’re loud, it’s from the loads of people actually talking to each other!

Side note – Irish people will talk your ear off in the pub.  I often meet my new best friend every day that I’m in Ireland.  I challenge anyone to find friendlier people than the Irish. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Back to the noise in a good Irish pub.  As noted above, people are actually having conversations!  That’s partially because, by and large, they don’t have TVs.  Simple interaction with other humans beings over a pint (or 6).  Such a shocking concept. 

Other elements of a proper Irish pub – A beautiful back bar with hundreds of whiskeys, warm wood on the walls and elsewhere, and lots of knickknacks on the walls and shelves that look like they’ve taken a lifetime or more to accumulate.  Probably because they have. 

And, most importantly, you can get a properly poured pint of the best beer in the world.  This:

There.  I said it.  A properly poured pint of Guinness may be evidence that there is a god (he or she is Irish, by the way) and it is the best beer in the world.  Proceed to argue amongst yourselves.  A properly poured Czech pilsner in Prague is second in my mind, but it’s not really close.  When you drink a properly poured pint of Guinness, you cry a little, you hear the angels sing, and the day seems brighter.  After a few, it’s a lot brighter.  Or is it darker because you’ve been there all day? 

Doesn’t matter.  220.. 221… whatever it takes.  Yes.  That’s a Mr. Mom reference.  If you don’t get it, I can’t help you.

But I digress.  Back to pubs.  Irish pubs are literally in every country.  I’ve been to Irish pubs in Ireland, England, Scotland, Amsterdam, Greece, Italy, the Czech Republic, and, one of my favorites, Japan!  I must drive the Red (a.k.a. – the Mrs.) nuts with this obsession.  There isn’t a vacation where I don’t find an Irish pub! Literally.

Don't believe? Here we are at one in Tokyo.

 So, I’m going to write about this.  Mostly to entertain myself. 

Might as well start with the Holy Grail ….. the Mecca …. the GOAT of Irish pubs – the Palace Bar in Dublin.  Got a little emotional writing that.  Shut up!  I’m not crying!  You’re crying!

The Palace Bar is right on the edge of the Temple Bar area of Dublin.  There are a number of great bars and pubs in the Temple Bar area, but they’re usually gob smacked with tourists. 

Oddly, the tourists don’t seem to find the Palace Bar as much as other establishments.  No idea why.  I also find it odd that Irish people do find this bar.  A lot.  And oh boy do they love to chat!  That is one of the reasons I love this bar.  Great opportunities to chat with interesting Irish people.

Side note # 2 – the Irish are far more interested in American politics than most Americans are. 

Back to the bar.  If you’re an ambience whore (you know who you are), this is your place.  Check it out. 

Arguably the coolest part of the Palace Bar – the snug. What is a snug?  Well, I’m glad you asked. 

The snug is a little enclosed wood paneled room off the side of the bar.  They usually have frosted glass and actually have a door. They are also literally connected to the bar itself.  In the 19th century, they existed for women to drink without being seen.  Antiquated misogyny, I’ll grant you.

But, we now have these wonderful little spaces remaining in some Irish pubs.  Many were removed in the 70’s, but some remain, including the one at the Palace Bar.  You simply ask the bartender if the snug is available.  If it is, you and 3-5 other people will have your own little pub..

Here's the snug at the Palace Bar:


Most important of all – they pour a perfect Guinness at the Palace Bar.   Enough to make a grown man (and me) cry.  Sniff.

So, there you have it.  Your snarky Wannabe Foodie is back.  More Irish pub and restaurant reviews to come.  And, of course, things I’m cooking. 

Here’s a sneak peak of a future blog. It’s all belly porchetta!


  1. Great information. My favorite Pub is actually in Victoria BC. Irish Times Pub. Live music with isn’t Taylor or Drake. It’s authentic Irish folk songs. Maybe a little original Irish flare.
    I just wish it was closer. Maybe in May. Atlanta has a nice Pub called the Marley. If you are in Atlanta, hit me up, I’ll buy you a pint.

    1. Anonymous - thanks for the comment and suggestion. I will take you up on that. WF

  2. Sluts for ambiance and a great Guinness unite!
